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Joel Wybrew

There are a few places across this site where I say something that might sound a bit pretentious, like, “I want to make music for artistic projects promoting values like justice and compassion.” It can seem cringey, but I’m trying to set aside fear of how I might sound and be clear about my values and passions. Honestly I mean exactly what it sounds like on the surface. But I thought it might be worth sharing a bit about where I’m coming from and how I got here.

We all know of exhibitions, various kinds of media, stories, and social movements trying to communicate important messages and create positive change. Going into 2022, when working on the How Lonely series with Michael Henderson, I came to realise that there are avenues for me to participate in this - to make music for projects built upon values that I share. I don’t always have to just admire these endeavours from a distance, I could actually be a part of it.

Despite this realisation, and my passion for music-making, I’m not aiming to be a full-time composer. The creative industry is too competitive and its financial rewards too unstable when I have other important responsibilities and ambitions. In a few ways, it is necessary for me to rely on other income sources, and I think I’m okay with that. For my creative life, though, this is a double-edged sword:

On one hand, by not relying on composing for my income, I am able to be intentional and selective about the projects which I get involved in. With the limited time, energy, and resources I am able to put into creative projects, this is to my advantage.

On the other hand, I am limited in the industry networking I can accomplish and experience that I can accumulate. This slows my progress towards, or outright takes away opportunities that would be meaningul for me.

It is my hope that through the contacts I already have and the opportunities I make for myself (God willing), I may still be able to get involved in or even start artistic projects that share my values. To be a little more specific, this could be summarised as social & eco justice, honest expressions of humanity, and the search for truth, for meaning, for purpose, and for identity. My background is a faith in Jesus, which is the framework by which I approach these subjects, but I’m sincere about wanting open dialogue where people from all walks of life can meet and share in humility and vulnerablity.

I love people. I want justice. I want people to know there is love for them, to really experience that. I want to see restoration of trust, and hope for something greater. I think Hebrew scripture puts it pretty well: “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” (Proverbs 31:8-9)

I absolutely do not perfectly embody these ideals. I’ve stumbled a lot on my way and continue to do so now. Often. But that doesn’t mean I don’t believe in them. I’m trying to learn from my mistakes and be better.

It is my conviction that love, justice, forgiveness, truth, humility, and compassion all echo the heart and voice of our creator. As well as the ideals that all people have equal, inherent worth and dignity, without exception.

Art has a wonderful way of moving us to resonate with this kind of stuff, to inquire into our own state of heart, to make us hunger to see wrongs righted. To act. My aim is to use my creative voice to feed into this through collaborative processes, and this requires a response from its audience as well.

I need a lot of help myself. I hurt and need love, I stumble and need forgiveness. Yet I eagerly deisre to play a positive part for others dealing with their hurts and stumbles. Life is hard. I can be relentlessly shit. I want to sit with people in that, to show how that’s looked for me, and give a space for them to reflect on or share some of their journey. I see wondrous power in art and vulnerability to create these unique and transformative introspections / interactions.

I have found my identity, worth and dignity in a profound love and belonging to my creator God. And I think all of us, our whole world, needs that. I also fully get how other people come from totally different backgrounds. I’m not trying to invalidate theirs by sharing my own.

When I was younger, I was captivated by Lord of the Rings and Avatar: The Last Airbender. So for a long time I just wanted to write music for a dope fantasy show or movie. That would still be rad. I would love that. I’ve just also come to recognise how music, art, film, and stories can play a real part in spurring us on to uncover meaning and to love deeper. I’m all about it, so why not have a crack at being a part of it?

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